The most NFOs on the net! (again)
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-11-15 09:19:10
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 AFO File size CRC
Stored files
7,453 85E78A23
126,174 10339600
365 A68B0C8F
485 23078F38
5,430 14396B40
4,358 D72262AD
4,403 D5D62C57
4,058 17F23131
5,587 71C28B27
5,577 876323B6
5,345 72BF631E
5,203 004ACA68
5,784 C32BCB19
5,489 567C0819
5,616 96EF685F
5,921 1BD4C9CB
Music files
01-dance_spirit-music_is_life.mp3 17,834,112 E0D4BAFA
02-m.o.n.r.o.e.-refresh.mp3 15,622,272 A4FE058C
03-adisyn-drifter.mp3 15,280,256 53ADE0C2
04-daniel_dubb-blast.mp3 12,509,312 E97E6B3A
05-casah-nowhere.mp3 13,088,896 B1B94EAA
06-morpei-kimsa_inti.mp3 16,699,520 DC10AEA3
07-robert_babicz-we_dream.mp3 17,571,968 78048E36
08-martinek-jusst.mp3 18,913,408 1C907EB6
09-ennio_skoto-sp1.mp3 15,624,320 FF1CD7D6
10-avstin_frank_and_cisco-wake_up_call.mp3 13,549,696 D14054D1
11-michael_gin-yx.mp3 15,122,560 351A4A67
12-m.o.n.r.o.e.-america_gets_physical_and_vol._1_(continuous_mix).mp3 118,472,704 F732A870

Total size: 290,289,024
Labels MUSIC, MP3